28 March 2007

Real Life Adventures

Real Life Adventures

Randy crunched his cereal methodically, a thousand-yard stare firmly set upon his face. Another day begun, another day to be endured at work. “I really hate my job,” he thought. “At least I only have fifteen more months before I retire.”

He poured another bowl and topped off the milk. The snow pattered softly on the windowpane and the sky lightened slowly with the coming dawn. Though the kitchen was warm, he shivered as he watched the snow fall. Snow always depressed him. Maybe he should go see a therapist. Without looking, he thrust another bite into his mouth.

crunch, crunch, crunch.

Sometimes, Randy wondered if the sound of chewing was damaging to his hearing, or if the sound was merely amplified by being literally connected to his ears. Another bite—something wasn’t quite the same with this


He looked down at the bowl. “What the hell?” he thought. Myrtle came into the kitchen carrying the newspaper.


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