22 February 2006

My Valentine's Day Poem for My Wife

Beauty stands on the rocks,
Waves crash on the shore.
The tides rush the channels
Filling the bowl, flooding out
The crabs and washing clean the stone
In and out, up and down,
With her hair flowing in the wind,
In her gauzy gown she appears to soar
On currents of air like water.
Copper, golden tresses, caressing
Her face, heaven jealous of her splendor.
The setting sun highlights her summer-
Sun-bleached locks. She is Beauty.
She is Love.
She is Alive.
Look now! But there is a naked
Fat man under the highway.
What in the world is he doing?
Tending his fire? Who knows?
Beauty turns away;
She doesn’t care—she is with her lover.
And that is all that matters.


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